Actions to protect your finances after the October Budget
The October Budget introduced significant tax changes that could impact your finances. With the end of the tax year just months away, Alan Ferguson, Chartered Financial Planner, outlines the key financial planning actions.
Plan ahead to protect more of your wealth
As you get older, it’s important to organise your estate so that more of your hard-earned wealth is passed on to your loved ones tax efficiently. We explain how to protect more of your wealth.
Reduce your IHT bill by making lifetime gifts
Graeme Wolfe discusses how gifting can help you to pass on more wealth tax efficiently by reducing the value of your estate.
Tax Year End – are you maximising your savings?
With UK taxpayers set to have the highest tax bill on record, are you making the most of important opportunities before 5 April 2024?
How much money will you save with National Insurance cuts?
From January 2024, millions of workers will take home more pay due to a cut in the National Insurance rate. Find out how much you’ll save.
Are you saving enough for the next generation?
With both increasing life expectancy and many workers struggling to save, this is creating a ‘perfect storm’ for future retirees from the younger generations. We look at how you can help future generations.
What’s the future of Inheritance Tax?
With record receipts generated over the past year, we look at the potential future of what’s often branded as Britain’s ‘most hated tax’ and actions you can take.